GVLIP Healthcare Resources
GVLIP works on various aspects of healthcare for newcomers in Greater Victoria. You can find more resources below:
Newcomers Navigating Healthcare Report
This report presents the findings and insights from conversations that took place at the dialogue. The report explores the challenges and systemic inequities that newcomers experience when accessing healthcare services on Vancouver Island. Participants whose voices make up the report came from various service areas and were encouraged to consider how best to overcome these challenges by implementing better processes and policies and taking concrete actions in their respective sectors. This report represents a high-level summary of those vital conversations and is an important first step toward taking action to promote equitable healthcare services and policies in the Greater Victoria Regional District.
Newcomers Navigating Healthcare: A Community Dialogue for Health Practitioners
On April 14th, 2023, the Greater Victoria Local Immigration Partnership (GVLIP) and Refugee Readiness Team Vancouver Island (RRT-VI) hosted an in-person event that examined equitable access to healthcare for newcomers in Greater Victoria. Designed by our Health Sector Table, “Newcomers Navigating Healthcare: A Community Dialogue” included short panel presentations and scenario-based learning.
The event workshopped stories of newcomers experiencing our healthcare system for the first time, interpretation/translation challenges, navigating through pregnancy, mental health distress and the Interim Federal Health Program. The scenario-based learning that transpired resulted in greater understanding among attendees of the many challenges faced by newcomers navigating a healthcare system that is currently in crisis. Ultimately, we hope this community dialogue results in tangible outcomes that improve the patient-provider experience for newcomers in Greater Victoria.
Refugee oral health and dentistry
Data shows disparities between the oral health of immigrants in their first years of settlement in comparison to their Canadian counterparts, partially due to the unique challenges they face such as cultural and language barriers, as well as financial constraints. Poor oral health results in pain, poor nutrition, social barriers, and lower quality of life (BMC Oral Health, 2019). By adopting Interim Federal Health (IFH), dentists can make a difference and support refugee access to oral health. In 2020 GVLIP contributed to research on dentists’ uptake and use of the Interim Federal Health Program for oral health.
Dentist IFH Survey Results summarizes dentists’ feedback on the use and application of the IFH program for refugees.
A Dentist’s Quick Overview of Interim Federal Health helps dentists understand this program in order to encourage its use for their eligible patients.

RRT-VI Healthcare Resources
The Refugee Readiness Team - Vancouver Island addressed healthcare through facilitating access in a variety of ways.
External Healthcare Resources
The Provincial Language Services (PLS) provides interpreting services in more than 200 languages. Interpreting services are available at Island Health and various other health care services 24 hours a day, seven days a week and provided at no charge to B.C. patients and/or their families. Contact your health care provider if you are a patient and/or their designate.
National Newcomer Navigation Network (N4)
N4 is a national network for the diversity of providers who assist newcomers in navigating the complex Canadian healthcare and social service systems. We provide opportunities for professional development, education, virtual discussions, networking, and the sharing of data and resources. We aim to promote best practices in the field of newcomer navigation, with the ultimate goal of improving the experience of newcomers to Canada.

GVLIP Equity & Justice Resources
What do you do when you experience or witness hate? We have created several resources with useful information.

GVLIP Housing Resources
The Housing Sector Table provides guidance on housing matters for newcomers, immigrants, and refugees in the Greater Victoria area.