Black History Month

Click here for resources and events.

Weather Advisory - ICA offices are OPEN today

ICA is OPEN and all classes a running. Please allow additional travel time and use caution on slippery streets and sidewalks.
Winter weather is impacting Vancouver Island. Please be prepared and continue to monitor weather alerts.  

ICA Stories

So many rich and wonderful stories come from our work to welcome and support newcomers, work alongside community, and to offer programs that help to foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive place to call home.

Here we publish the stories that reflect the wonderful accomplishments, the struggles, and the contributions of those who have come to our community from afar, and those who have been here all along, working to make the Capital Region a great place to call home for everyone.

Please visit regularly to see new, informative and inspiring stories.

Journey to Home

Latif’s happy childhood turned into a fight for survival when a bomb injured his father in Syria, and his family had to leave their home and travel to Turkey, in search of safety and medical care. Luckily, through the UN's expedited refugee process, Latif and his family finally found a new beginning in Canada, arriving as Government- Assisted Refugees. 

From Ceremonial to Sentimental: A DIY Nowruz Celebration Guide

You’re about to embark on a journey filled with wonderful days ahead and the vibrant celebration of Nowruz—an ancient, nature-based New Year. This DIY guide promises to immerse you in the same joy and excitement experienced by Iranians during their New Year festivities.

Friendship makes home

Helen and Sherilyn first met at ICA through the English Pronunciation Practice workshop over the summer of 2023. Connecting over their experiences of growing up in and immigrating from the Philippines, they became friends quickly and started to keep in touch by texting and meting up outside of ICA.

Stronger Together

While we have come a long way in our laws and social acceptance, we are seeing a rise in discrimination against the LGBTQ2S+ community in Canada and ICA offers a safe space for people to find support programs and community connections.

Feeling At Home in Victoria

Bob first landed in Edmonton in 2013 while Lathika took care of their children back home. Through Bob's work on cruise ships before moving in Canada, he had the chance to visit Victoria and believed it would be the best place to raise their two children.

ICA’s 2021 Diversity Scholarship Award Winners

ICA proudly presents the 2021 Diversity Scholarship award winners to one undergraduate, graduate, and one high school student. Thanks to the generous support from anonymous donors and the Canadian International Council, we are able to award $6,500 in scholarships this year.

ICA Hits the High Seas Again

After a thrilling trip in last fall, the ICA Youth and Family Services team set sail again while also helping to keep our oceans clean for future generations. On a blustery Monday morning, twenty-five youth, parents and volunteers gathered at Fisherman’s Wharf to set sail on Eagle Wing Tour’s sturdiest vessel, 4 Ever Wild.

Racism in Greater Victoria: A Community Report Released

Through a strategic partnership with leaders in four primary community sectors, Governance, Healthcare, Education and Housing the GVLIP conducted its first community survey and consultation on racism.

Ghfran's Story

I came to Victoria in 2018 from Turkey with my three children while my husband, who was in Germany arrived here in 2019. We were separated for almost 4 years after we fled Syria due to the civil war there. I arrived in Canada thanks to my wonderful sponsors who welcomed me, provided support, and showed us beautiful places.

Connecting Hearts and Helping Hands in Nature

From the smell of damp sea air to the feel of seaweed sliding between your fingers, spending time near the ocean is a full sensory experience. Spending time in nature does wonders for our bodies and our mental health.

30 Years of Language Instruction for Newcomers!

The year was 1991 and a small immigrant settlement agency won a contract to become Victoria’s hub for the Language Instruction for Newcomers in Canada (LINC) program. ICA now supports over 500 students in Victoria, the LINC program remains an essential part of ICA’s support to our newcomer community.

Giving Back Starts At Any Age

When Callie and Karina Allen (ages 8 and 10) and Lillia White (age 10) learned about the Ukraine war at school, they wanted to help.