Black History Month

Click here for resources and events.

Weather Advisory - ICA offices are OPEN today

ICA is OPEN and all classes a running. Please allow additional travel time and use caution on slippery streets and sidewalks.
Winter weather is impacting Vancouver Island. Please be prepared and continue to monitor weather alerts.  

Donate Stock or Mutual Funds

When you donate appreciated stock, you save on your taxes in two ways:

  1. you receive a charitable gift tax deduction and
  2. you don’t pay capital gains taxes on the shares you donate.

If you want to help immigrants and refugees settle into their new home here in Victoria and save on your taxes, consider making a donation of appreciated stock.  It’s easy to do and makes a big difference. Here’s all you need to do:

  1. Consult with an advisor, if you have one, about the amount and types of securities you want to give. This is not required.
  2. Make your donation of stock or mutual funds through our donation page at Canada Helps.
  3. Email Sheryl Sackman so we know to expect your donation.

The Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria’s Charitable Registration Number: 107509838RR0001.

For more information or assistance, please contact:

Sheryl Sackman, Development Coordinator
Phone: 250.388.4728 Ext. 2168

Return To Ways To Give

Donor Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are a helpful way to support organizations you care about. They are easy to set up and will help you meet your philanthropic goals.

Leave A Legacy

Giving to the charitable causes that matter most to you during your lifetime is a meaningful and powerful way for you to express your personal values and priorities. Remembering your most cherished causes in your estate plan is a way for you to ensure that the support you gave during your lifetime can continue and that future generations will benefit from your generosity.

Private Sponsorship of Refugees

ICA's Private Sponsorship of Refugees program works with local sponsorship groups to support individuals and families coming to Canada through approved UNHCR and IRCC refugee programs.